Annual General Meeting

TAUPO DOG TRAINING CLUB (INC) 2023 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING The 2023 Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Taupō Dog Training Club (Inc) will be held on Wednesday 16 August 2023. Nominations for the Committee positions for 2023-24 are to be submitted to the Secretary...

Working Bee

  Please note change of date! We are holding a Working Bee at the club on Saturday 5 August starting around 9am. If you can come along and bring any of the following :- Mowers Whipper Snippers – Line Trimmers Secateurs Rakes Pruning Saws Trailers would also...
Nola Calder and her dog Rocky

Nola Calder and her dog Rocky

At the TDTC, we have a long and proud history that spans generations. From the early days to the present, our members have come together with their four-legged friends in search of community, training and camaraderie! But who was here before us? In our club rooms...
Thinking of getting a Puppy or even an adult dog?

Thinking of getting a Puppy or even an adult dog?

If you are thinking of getting a new Puppy or older dog, remember that its a huge commitment, have a browse through these questions, it may help you with your decision. 1. Can you afford a dog? You may be able to afford the initial cost of a dog, however, consider the...
Luring and Rewarding

Luring and Rewarding

When introducing a new exercise, you should use a lure to show the dog what they want. You then give the thing that was used as a lure to the dog as their reward. A common mistake, however, is for handlers to keep using the lure well after the dog has understood what...