Obedience Show

We have a 2-day Obedience Show coming up on 11 and 12 May. Come and see the best in action! You might even like to give Elementary a go yourself, this takes place 11am Sunday. Maybe you would like to help out…then just turn up.

Working Bee

  In order to prepare the club grounds for the first term of training there will be a working bee at the club next Wednesday, 31 January from 5:00pm to 7:00pm. We need people with mowers (a ride on one would be ideal), line trimmers, pruning saws, secateurs and...
Recent Obedience Show

Recent Obedience Show

Some pics of our recent Obedience show which was held over 2 days. Some great results by our own competitors. ‘Taupo Terrors’ won the fun teams event.  Vicki Graham  had 2 wins with Cohen, and a 5th in Novice with Hunter. Sue Slinn gained 3rd place in...