In order to prepare the club grounds for the first term of training there will be a working bee at the club next Wednesday, 31 January from 5:00pm to 7:00pm.
We need people with mowers (a ride on one would be ideal), line trimmers, pruning saws, secateurs and rakes.  If anyone could bring a large, cage trailer to take grass clipping etc away that would be good.
The work required to be done is:
  • Mow/grass trim around wooden fence line
  • Mow/grass trim around club house and garage
  • Mow grass in southern end of grounds (under the trees)
  • Tidy up grass and bushes on embankment behind the garage
  • Trim grass around fence lines around the grounds
Even if you can only spare an hour to help out please come down to the club.  All assistance gratefully received.
Refreshments will be provided for those attending.
Please let Gary Houghton know if you can help, via email to  Any questions, contact him on 022 3134634.
Taupo Dog training