Club Rules
Please ensure you read the code of conduct below before attending any classes at the club; failure to adhere to these terms will not be tolerated.
TDTC Code of Conduct – Updated 2021
Constitution (Club Rules)- Updated Aug 2020
We hope that your training session with us is informative, exciting and overall, FUN! To make the whole experience great for both you and your classmates, these are a few general guidelines that we need to follow to ensure that we and everyone can get the best out of classes while we are here.
Treats, praise and toys are the primary motivators for dog training. Some dogs will pass up ten treats for that particular toy, So don’t forget to bring treats, tuggies or clickers to class.
If you have a food-motivated dog, bringing them to class with an empty tummy may benefit them. Having food rewards is so much more effective if they are hungry.
Please exercise before you come to class; overly excitable dogs that haven’t had a good run can be disruptive to the handler and other dogs.We have a working area and a toileting area on the club grounds. Please make sure your dog has been to the toilet outside the wooden fence before coming to class. A dog that requires a toilet break may be frustrated and distracted. Also, a dog that poos or pee’s within the training area distracts all other dogs that pass through that area – even after it’s picked up or rinsed.
Carry a poo bag! An active dog club is an exciting place for your dog, full of dogs and lots of neat stuff to do, So your dog may inevitably need a trip to the potty. You can drop your poo bag in the black wheelie bins between the two clubhouses. Watch for your dog’s signals and respond accordingly. Taupo District Council has a $300 fine for dog owners who do not pick up their dog’s waste! We encourage you to get into the habit of carrying a bag on you in case of the inevitable!
Key your dog under control
When you are not working your dog, keep them under control, some handlers will keep the dog on a leash – laying on a mat resting beside them, whilst some handlers will keep their dog in a crate; some leave their dogs in a well-ventilated vehicle till they are ready to work.
Be mindful of each dog’s space. Some dogs do not like other dogs in ‘their face’. Allow a buffer zone between dogs. If you own a younger dog that loves everybody, including other dogs, their desire to socialize with every dog they see may invade a dog’s space that does not welcome such exuberant advances.
Playtime is O.K outside the wooden fence, but it is working time inside.
BE respectful of other classes and other people; We also cannot allow dogs to be left tied up anywhere at the club where they are not supervised, mainly for safety reasons. An absolute no-no is tying dogs in the car park – we don’t want any unfortunate incidents!
A barking, whining or howling dog at the sidelines can be a massive distraction for a class; make an effort to calm your dog by distracting them with a toy or treats or taking them for a quick walk around the grounds.
Not at any time is a bitch in season allowed on our grounds. If your bitch is due for a season, if you think she may be or if she is possibly still smelling sexy from her last one, DO NOT bring her to the grounds!! A bitch in season’s scent is incredibly distracting and lingers for a long time; please keep her away but make sure you still come to class yourself to keep your training up at home.
While classes are on, please keep your children sitting on the fence or quietly on the deck. We encourage kids to learn and participate in particular tasks, but they need to be occupied until we ask for them if they are not the handler.
As instructors, we will start our classes on time and endeavour to finish on time! Please come to class on time and respect the other classes running. We have a lot to cover in the course and need to make the most of our time. If you have anything you need to work on, feel free to see any instructor or your coordinator after class. We are here to help, so please use us!
Yellow ribbon policy
Any dog wearing a yellow ribbon requires a little space for various reasons. It doesn’t mean that a dog is aggressive; some dogs don’t like being jumped on, some want to jump on others etc. When you see a dog wearing a ribbon, be respectful of its personal space, and make sure your canine companion is also. If you think your dog needs a yellow ribbon, ask your instructor.
We hope you enjoy your time with us; we love to share dog information and tips – so please ask if you have any questions or concerns.
Remember, dog training is addictive, have fun!